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30. 12. 2005


BELGRADE, December 30, 2005 – According to the Deputy leader of the Power of Serbia Movement, Dragan Karic, his family is no longer owns BK Television. “We are no longer the owners of TV BK. We sold it, now you can go investigate to whom", Karic told daily Dnevnik. He denied the claims that the Power of Serbia Movement was running BK TV and said that according to all available information, it is clear that the Karic family had the least control of any of the involved parties, in all segments of programming, as a company, political option and foundation. “Those who attack us most are the most prominent people too, including the Democratic Party of Serbia, G17 Plus, the Serbian Radical Party, and the Socialist Party of Serbia, not to name everyone. They are the champions. According to the ratings of BK TV, I can freely say that BK is their television, not ours." Karic said.

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