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21. 01. 2006


BELGRADE, January 21, 2006 – The only thing the citizens from inner Serbia can do to get their requests for exemption from payment of TV subscription is to wait. Local branches of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia do not have the sufficient number of request forms, and, if the citizens have already prepared all necessary documents, they can send it to Belgrade where, as the competent bodies claim, no one knows when they could be assessed, because the number of request forms that arrive at their address is enormous. Belgrade office dealing with RTV subscription forms said they were responsible only for the capital area, adding that they could not explain why there were not enough forms in local offices. The solution to this problem offered by the appropriate authorities in Belgrade is submitting the claim for exemption directly in Belgrade or to post it. “The citizens from local towns can send all their documentation by mail even if they do not have the exemption request form. However, we cannot say when their claim would be processed and exemption approved. The cues are very long”, said in RTS’ subscription office.

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