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21. 01. 2006


BELGRADE, January 21, 2006 – The Advertising Act, which, among other things, prohibits the advertising of tobacco and alcohol in public places, came into effect on December 25, 2005. The Act also envisages the fines from 100.000 to 3.000.000 dinars for its breaching. “Rigid penalties were primarily introduced for preventing the practice of selective interpretation and implementation of the Act, or inadequate penalties for those not complying with the provisions of the Act. Low fines envisaged by previously adopted laws enabled some to first pay the fine, and then to make several times more profit by breaking the law. Furthermore, those who breach the law two or more times would be temporarily put out of business”, said Srdjan Sreckovic, Deputy Minister for Trade, Tourism and Services, adding that the new law complied with the instructions of the European Union. Sreckovic however noted that despite the Act was voted on September 25, its implementation waited three months, which provided more time for the companies to make new agreements. “We have noted the cases of disrespect of the law, but were not able to start with the penalties. Radio and television stations disrespect the law most frequently, but at lesser extent than before. We plan to send out official notifications in the next couple of days to those stations, after which we intend to proceed with appropriate measures”, Cvetkovic concluded. Deputy Minister for Trade said the vendors were allowed to expose the brand and the characteristics of the brand in public places, because it did not fall under the provisions of the Advertising Act. However, alcohol products such as beer and wine are treated differently. Commercials advertising those two could be seen on television and radio stations only between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m., provided that the commercial contains the information on the product.

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