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22. 01. 2006


BELGRADE, January 22, 2006 – The Serbian Broadcasting Agency’s Council has decided to announce an open competition for receiving licenses for the broadcast of radio and television programs. Frequencies will be handed out on a national and regional level, and on the level of Belgrade’s broadcasting field. The conditions of the competition will be published in daily Politika, and Official Gazette, once the legal period of 60 days runs out for receiving applications for all interested candidates. The Council is stressing that the competition will be led strictly in accordance with the law for broadcasting licenses, adding that the potential buying of frequencies does not guarantee that the buyer will receive a licenses for broadcasting in radio or television. According to the statement, the Council’s decision for opening the competition was passed as a result of the Serbian Government reaching agreements on all necessary documentation. These documents represent the Serbian Telecommunications Development Strategy for 2013, which plans the handing out of rulebooks related to the broadcast of all radio and television programs.

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