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10. 02. 2006


BELGRADE, February 10, 2006 – The Media Center’s Media Council presented the report on the state of ethics in print media in January 2006. “The newspapers have the power, they are the law, you don’t criticize them because they will try you and adjudicate you!” said in the report. The report also contains the review of writings of dailies Kurir, Blic, Vecernje novosti, Glas javnosti, Politika and Danas. The special reporter of the Council, Olja Beckovic, stated that the leading newspapers in giving negative example in reporting was Kurir, accompanied by Vecernje Novosti, Glas javnosti and Blic. “One of the most drastic headlines that violated the ethics was published in Kurir – ‘Sabina has melted’, referring to the frozen little girl whose life was saved by the doctors. Kurir had also reported on the alleged pornographic clip of Belgrade actor Maja Mandzuka and railway tragedy near Bioce. Lawyer Goran Draganic commented on the reporting of Blic on the “suitcase affair”, saying that the legitimate right of the press was to investigate. He added that this affair ought not to be strictly observed from the legal point of view because some things were missing there. “The action was stopped at one point, so the journalists have every right to investigate the case”, said Draganic.

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