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02. 03. 2006


BELGRADE, March 2, 2006 – B92 will make a complaint to the Public Information Commissioner Rodoljub Sabic against the Police Minister Dragan Jocic for refusing to provide the official note taken during the interrogation of Milorad Ulemek, the defendant in the murder case of the Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, in the night of his surrender. Responding to the request for information of B92’s investigative program Insider, Jocic admitted that the official note had been made; however, he could not provide it as long as the legal case was in process. The spokesperson of the District Court’s Special Department in Belgrade Maja Kovacevic however said the note was useless to the Court, explaining that the Court dealt only with offenses under the indictment for murder of the Prime Minister. This means that Jocic’s claim, that the content of the note could not be made public until the end of the legal proceedings against Ulemek, was untrue. B92 intends to do whatever it takes, within the limits of the legal provisions, to inform the broad public of what Ulemek, Jocic and director of the Security Information Agency Rade Bulatovic talked about in the cabinet of the Police Minister that night.

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