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08. 03. 2006


VIENNA, March 8, 2006 – The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) announced the Dr Erhard Busek – SEEMO 2006 Award for better understanding in South East Europe. The application deadline is May 1, 2006. The SEEMO will be given to a journalist, editor, media executive or person educating journalists in South Eastern Europe, for using the media to promote a climate of better understanding among people in the region and to work towards ending minority problems, ethnic divisions, racism, xenophobia etc. The award will be worth 2000 euros, sponsored by Dr Erhard Busek, special coordinator for the Stability Pact, said in the statement of the SEEMO. In 2002, the recipient of the Award was Croatian journalist Denis Latin. One year later, in 2003, the award was given to the former chief editor of Sarajevo daily “Oslobodjenje” Kemal Kurspahic, and in 2005, to Brankica Petkovic, Head of the Center for Media Policy at the Peace Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The international jury deciding on the award winner will be representatives of the media in the region and OSCE and Stability Pact officials. The applications could be sent to info@seemo.org.

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