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10. 03. 2006


BELGRADE, March 10, 2006 – State public institution "Yugoslavia" known as YU INFO, which had been under liquidation for three years, was sold yesterday for 6.6 million dinars (around 75.000 euros). New owner of this television station, its studio and broadcasting equipment, computers and vehicles, is Belgrade based firm Dienter, as the only bidder at the auction. According to the information obtained from the Register Agency, Dienter is the Belgrade-based company registered on July 11, 2005, for digital communications, specializing in cinematography and video distribution. The founder of the company is Olivera Sakic, while the director is Miljanka Sakic. The company’s investment capital is 2.5 million dollars and 15.000 euros in other assets. TV YU Info employs eight members of staff.

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