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10. 03. 2006


BELGRADE, March 10, 2006 – The Broadcast Agency Council will not release the number or names of the applicants for national radio or TV frequencies until the competition is concluded, said the deputy chairman of the Council yesterday. Members of the Council will only be considering the respect of the legal propositions for frequency allocation, and nothing else. The conditions, said Vasic, could not be changed during the competition therefore remarks of certain media and their objections to the level of established fees for frequencies would not be taken into account. The media could negotiate more favorable conditions before the competition. However, the only concession that could be achieved in line with the propositions was the discount, up to 20 percent. “The changes in fees could be discussed only within 6 months from the start of broadcasting. During that period, the work of the broadcaster the respect of the proposed conditions would be monitored, in order to allow the highest discount rate. Members of the Council believe that the broadcasting fees were too high and that they should have been at least half of that. All interested in national frequency must understand that members of the Council did not write this law and that they are here only to implement it. It is a question for the lawmakers whether some stations that broadcast only program for children or cultural issues are in less favorable position regarding the fees. The Council recognizes only three types of broadcasters – public service, commercial radio and TV stations and civil, that is, local stations”, said Vasic.

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