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15. 03. 2006


BELGRADE, March 15, 2006 – B92 will be pressing charges against those individuals responsible for the attack on its news crew yesterday in front of the St. Sava Hospital. Despite Serbian Internal Affairs Minister Dragan Jocic’s claims yesterday that the police is prepared to provide security for the Milosevic funeral and guarantee safety for everyone, the first incident of violence occurred last night. Supporters of the Socialist Party of Serbia verbally and physically attacked members of B92’s television team while reporting outside the St. Sava Hospital where Slobodan Milosevic’s body was taken yesterday. B92 reporter Petar Gajic and cameraman Spasa Dakic where verbally and physically attacked yesterday by a group of Milosevic supporters. Dakic’s glasses were knocked off after numerous blows to the body while Gajic was struck in a crowd and was hit with a piece of ice in the leg while giving a report in front of the hospital. The entire attack was videotaped and the police intervened to get the crowd away from the news team, though no one was asked for identification or taken into custody. “From the moment since B92 was the first to report on the death of Slobodan Milosevic, threats have started and continue being aimed at our company. Threats of attacks on the B92 building, such as setting it on fire and planting a bomb have been made, as well as threats of liquidating executives. Because of this, B92 has made a decision to strengthen security of the building and its personnel. The police have been notified of the threats and security in the building has been working in a very professional way since Saturday.” B92 has stated. As a result of yesterday’s attack, B92 is preparing to file charges to the public prosecutor against the attackers. B92 is asking the government to secure all legal rights of the media and maintain order and peace on the streets of Serbia. The Democratic Party has condemned the attacks on the B92 crew. The party has called Minister Jocic’s statements that there are no security risks involved in the funeral services of Slobodan Milosevic and that it will do everything to maintain order and peace, completely scandalous, and has called on the authorities to work harder on guaranteeing security for all of Serbia’s citizens. The G17 Plus Party has also condemned yesterday’s attacks. “We expect the authorities, especially in the next several days, to secure order in the country and the rights of journalists and media officials to work freely.” the party states.

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