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17. 03. 2006


BELGRADE, March 17, 2006 – Representatives of only four out of 21 Serbian media outlets that are distributed or broadcast in Montenegro signed the Code of Conduct in pre-referendum period. The Code was produced by the Association of Independent Electronic Media in Montenegro (UNEM). Blic, Vecernje Novosti, FoNet and BETA news agency have already signed he code, while the representatives of Danas announced that they would also sign it soon. UNEM executive director Ranko Vujovic said that all Montenegrin media had signed the Code last week. Vujovic however said he did not understand why only four media from Serbia had responded to the call to sign the code, noting that it could not be good. Vujovic said the code was just the act of good will and could not legally oblige the media to behave in certain manner. The Code provides that the signatories will willingly oblige to respect the principles of objective, fair and balanced reporting on pre-referendum campaigns of all interested parties in this political process. The code also provides for the support and promotion of pluralism of different political views and opinions on this important political issue.

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