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13. 05. 2006


BELGRADE, May 13, 2006 – The Association of independent electronic media (ANEM) held its regular annual assembly which defined new directions in association’s development. The Assembly adopted the amendments of the Association’s contracts and Statute, thus completing its transformation into a modern and functional association of broadcasters. The members also elected new officers: Sasa Mirkovic, RTV B92 from Belgrade, Milorad Tadic, Radio Boom 93 from Pozarevac, Dragan Kocic, Radio City from Nis, Boban Tomic, RTV Bajina Basta and Slobodan Stojsic, Radio 021 from Novi Sad were appointed to two-year terms as the board of management. Sasa Mirkovic, the Chairman of RTV B92 Managing Board, is the new chairman and Milorad Tadic, director of Radio Boom 93 is elected vice president of the Association. On this occasion the Association also presented, for the first time in the 13 years long history, individual and company awards “ANEM Lighthouse”. The award for the greatest individual contribution went to ANEM lawyer Slobodan Kremenjak, while City Radio in Nis took the company award. As various comments continue to fly on the current public competition for the allocation of broadcasting licences, ANEM will insist that the law be applied consistently. Above all the Association will insist on an improvement in the personnel standards of the Republic Broadcast Agency and its professional services aimed at developing broadcasting and investigative freedom. ANEM will present proposals in this matter to the appropriate bodies and to the public.

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9/16 Takovska Street, 11 000 Belgrade; Tel/fax: 011/32 25 852, 011/ 30 38 383, 011/ 30 38 384; E-mail: anem@anem.org.rs