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20. 05. 2006


BELGRADE, May 20, 2006 – The Serbian Supreme Court has abolished the decision of the Broadcast Agency for temporarily taking away BK Television’s broadcasting license. The Serbian Broadcast Agency’s Council revoked BK’s license on April 25, and BK appealed the decision to the Supreme Court on April 29. Court officials stated that the decision to revoke BK’s license for a period of 30 days has been overturned. According to the Supreme Court, the Broadcast Agency’s Council was unable to state specific facts and give legal reasons to back its decision to deny BK its right to broadcast, thus seriously violating prescribed procedure. Radio-Television BK filed an appeal to the Supreme Court on May 3 against the decision of the Broadcast Agency Council for withdrawing BK’s broadcast license for the period of 30 days from the Council’s decision. The Broadcast Council brought the decision to temporarily revoke the license of the TV BK on April 25.

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