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08. 07. 2006


BELGRADE, July 8, 2006 (B92) - DS sees the broadcasting license granted to TV Plus as an affront to the common sense and the free spirit of Belgrade. The Democratic Party (DS) stresses that TV Plus owner, Petar Komljenović, also owns Radio Fokus, and that the said radio won the national broadcasting frequency despite the fact that it disseminates hatred and lies and goes after the European values, at the same time glorifying Mladić and Karadžić. The Democrats believe that the Broadcasting Agency’s decisions works to annul the values fought for by the democratic Belgrade during the rule of Milošević, the Socialist Party (SPS) and the Serbian Radical Party (SRS). ‘We are witnessing the daily, scandalous trade-offs between this government and Radicals and Socialists, in the Parliament, managing boards, the deposing of honorable prosecutors, Ulemek glorification. The price tag on Radicals’ and Socialists’ cooperation rises day-in, day-out’, the Democrats stress, adding that it is highly likely that TV Plus’ news reporting will be molded on the Radio Fokus model, and that means relentless propaganda of everything the Serbian Radical Party stands for. The Democrats point out to the fact that Goran Kozić, a former Politika daily editor from its darkest dictatorship days, will now head TV Plus.

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