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02. 08. 2006


BELGRADE, August 2, 2006 (Beta) - The Information of public significance Trustee has again called on the government to enable his decisions to be implemented. Rodoljub Šabić said this was necessary in order to implement the Law on free access to information of public significance. Four months ago Šabić asked the government to put in place a mechanism ensuring that the Trustee’s decisions are being executed. Šabić’s office communicated that the law regulates the government can execute the Trustee’s decisions, even though this was not often necessary. Out of a several hundred requests for information so far only a few dozen were not executed by the authorities. “However, regardless of a high or low number, failure to execute legal obligations cannot be tolerated. If you do, then the number inevitably grows”, he stressed and said that it was very disturbing that not in one of those few cases has the government acted on his decisions. The Trustee stressed that continuation of this plays into the hands of those who do not wish for the Law on free access to information of public significance to be truly implemented, and will in fact greatly damage its implementation.

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