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14. 08. 2006


BELGRADE, August 14, 2006 (Beta) - Rodoljub Šabić said that added regulations in the fields of privacy protection and personal freedoms are needed. Šabić, the trustee for information of public importance, said that the rights of free access to information, receiving, forwarding and distributing, free thinking, information and media, rather the complex rights of freedom of expression, do not function in accordance with the standards that exists in the democratic world, especially in the European Union. Šabić said that in the democratic world, rights for public criticism of the Government and political leaders legitimately entail that an expression of information and ideas that offend, shock or upset people, can be given out and displayed without the risk of persecution or arrest. “It is in our interest to have the dominant understanding of the responsibility of the media, about libel and offensive statements, be brought into accordance with the dominant understanding seen in the EU.” Šabić said.

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