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05. 09. 2006


BELGRADE, September 5, 2006 (Beta) - ANEM has condemned the Sunday night incident following Nataša Kandić’s appearance on TV B92. “Nocturnal attacks on journalists and guests of the television shows diametrically oppose the proclaimed goals of the media policy in the country and principles of media independence," ANEM stated. “Reaction of the Serbian Government is a step heading in good direction, however, ANEM urges the authorities to take more active measures, governed by the full sense of importance of the freedoms of expression and media for the democratic processes in the society.“ The Association of Independent Electronic Media’s statement can be viewed in its entirety here. After Sunday night’s Utisak Nedelje (Impression of the Week) show on B92, as Nataša Kandić, the Humanitarian Law Center’s executive director, was leaving, three shots were heard in front of the B92 building. No one was injured in the incident. The police say the sound came from exploding firecrackers. A police investigation is ongoing.

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