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11. 09. 2006


BELGRADE, sEPTEMBER 11, 2006 (B92/Beta) - The Culture Ministry has called for a react to the most recent attack on Ivana Dulić-Marković. The tabloid Kurir published a story stating that Deputy Prime Minister Ivana Dulić-Marković’s father “hid an Ustaša villain Ivan 'Crni' Jovanović,” who was sentenced to death for crimes committed against Serbs, after the second World War. In order to stop any consequences that these kinds of stories can lead to, the public prosecutor must, on grounds of the Public Information Law, react and propose to the courts a banning of the distribution of such information, the Culture Ministry states. The Culture Ministry warns that, recently, several dailies have been regularly printing stories that are filled with hate talk on a national basis and discrimination, unfriendliness and violence, and that the publishing of such information can have serious consequences. The Ministry is calling for the law for prison sentence for libel violations to be repealed and reminds that the laws call for very high fines to be paid in such instances. ‘It is evident that many printed and electronic medias look past their professional codex in favor of circulations and making profits and are printing false information and lies in a very banal way,” according to the ministry’s statement. Strong reactions from media associations Journalist associations have reacted strongly to the attacks on the deputy prime minister’s family. The Independent Journalists Association of Serbia condemned the hate talk and the attacks on Dulić-Marković. “The latest attack on the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia is without a doubt one of the most disgraceful acts of the media in an already struggling Serbia.” IJAS stated. It is obvious that it is hard to let go of the earned right to drag all different people and people who think differently, threw the mud without taking any scruples or responsibility, the IJAS added. The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) condemned the attacks as well. “ANEM insists that the appropriate authorities, fully aware of the unacceptable return of the hate speech as a communication model in this country, find the way to confront the irresponsible public outbursts. ANEM also urges media and professional associations to act in solidarity with victims of insolent attacks and distance themselves from those who use journalism as profession to break all professional codes and principles in order to promote ethnic intolerance and hatred.”

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