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28. 09. 2006


BELGRADE, September 28, 2006 (B92) - Less than two weeks after Big Brother kicked off, B92 TV is breaking its own records in ratings. AGB NMR daily surveys show that the fall schedule, which includes a number of entertainment shows, represents welcome news in Serbia’s television offer. Big Brother is not the only factor to influence the rise in ratings, as the entire B92 program functions extremely well lately. B92’s points of strength, news and sports, continue to generate high ratings. B92’s rise translates into a drop in the competition’s ratings. Compared with seven percent in the same period last year, B92 TV has progressed 80 per cent this year, a clear indication of the station’s direction and ambition. This weekend broke more records. B92’s share in total ratings has been the highest since the company was established. The trend remains steady in the working week days that follow weekend. The difference in the ratings between B92 and Pink TV decreased to the level perhaps indicative of the future need for the latter station to fight for the second place, after it earlier dropped from first in favor of the state television. B92’s total share on September 27 was 15.7 per cent, compared to Pink’s 16.2 per cent. Big Brother, however, is not B92’s only success story. “The Unit“, a documentary on the disbanded MUP Special Operations Unit, with its 9.6 rating and 23.4 per cent share, led all categories on the days it was aired. B92’s news casts are also making significant progress. Prime time news generate 20 percent share in total ratings, compared with Pink’s 19,7 percent. State television’s 7:30 p.m. news remain far ahead with 43 per cent of total share. Quality sports broadcasts remain B92 trademark. UEFA Champions League continues to generate high interests, with ratings after only two played match days already exceeding last season’s numbers for the same period.

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