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26. 10. 2006


BELGRADE, 26 October 2006 (B92) - Serbia is 45th among 170 worldwide countries rated for their level of media freedom. Serbia has moved up 20 places since last year on the list, put together by Reporters Without Borders. As far as the former republics of Yugoslavia are concerned, Slovenia is ranked highest at number 10, Bosnia-Herzegovina 19, and Croatia is tied with the US in 53rd place. Free media is violated most often in North Korea, Cuba, Iran and China. The situation is also poor in Russia, while the media enjoys freedom at a high level in Scandinavian countries. With an index rating of 11.50, Serbia, together with Macedonia, is in 45th place. According to the report, there is no media freedom in North Korea, as President Kim Jon II has absolute control over the media. In Cuba, Iran and China, journalists put their lives at risk and are often imprisoned while trying to seek information and report it to the public. The greatest amount of media freedom is enjoyed in Finland, Norway, Ireland and Iceland. The US’s position on the list continues to drop because the administration in Washington continues to use national security as an excuse for stopping journalists from criticizing its war against terrorism.

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