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13. 03. 2007


BELGRADE, March 13, 2007 (B92) - 2nd SEE Broadband Conference due in April under motto “It's a fast changing world – stay informed and connected”

The 2nd Southeastern Europe Broadband Conference and Expo is a follow up to the successful first event that gathered world leading vendors, regional operators and service providers, regulatory agencies, channel partners and the corporate sector in an extensive coverage of the Southeastern Europe telecommunications industry's transition in the internet era.

This year the event will continue strong coverage of technology, infrastructure deployment and regulatory developments, and will extend into the broadband communication industry investment trends, opportunities and best practices. The retrospective of the broadband infrastructure and services in light of regional economic initiatives will also be on the agenda.

The conference will cover the broadband technology advances and deployment status in Southeastern European (SEE) countries and their geo-strategic neighbors, focusing primarily on Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldavia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, and Slovenia. This fast growing market is attractive to incumbent vendors as well as to an increasing number of players focusing on emerging Eurasian markets.


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