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21. 03. 2007


BELGRADE, March 21, 2007 (B92, AP) - The Republic Broadcasting Agency (RRA) urged media to take programs based on fortunetelling and horoscope reading off the air.

The RRA threats to introduce measures against broadcasters that run such programs, including the loss of broadcasting licenses.
The Broadcasting Agency warned that the live radio and TV programs, which are highly popular in Serbia, rarely warn that calling the advertised numbers carries a hefty price.

The content of such programs “doesn’t qualify as legally regulated activity and consequently cannot be broadcasted,” the agency said.

The agency’s statement also read that “the programs in question are reportedly based on the financial abuse of unsuspecting viewers.”

Serbian viewers pay at least 90 eurocents per minute when calling such shows.

The "recommendation" to take such programs off the air is nonbinding, but the agency warned that it would consider the matter "in issuing or extending licenses" to broadcasters.

The advisory comes as Serbia strives to bring regulations closer to the European Union standards, while also maintaining some control over the media.

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