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15. 04. 2007


BELGRADE, 15 April 2007 (B92) - Police reiterates its promise to find who threw hand grenades at Vreme weekly journalist Dejan Anastasijević’s apartment.
One day following the blast the public characterized as an attempt on Dejan Anastasijević’s life Serbian MUP continues to look for the assailants, B92 learnt form its sorces in the MUP.

Criminal police deputy chief Veljko Subašić asked the public to be patient, promising that MUP would do everything in its power to locate the perpetrators of the bomb attack at the Serbian prominent journalist.
Subašić told B92 that police were currently conducting analysis of the evidence recovered from the crime scene.

He added that police were also checking phone calls weekly Vreme news desk received following Anastasijević’s guest appearance on B92 radio program Kažiprst where he commented on a last week’s ruling against Serb paramilitaries called  the Scorpions.

MUP Chief Milorad Veljović said yesterday that police assigned top priority to the case, adding that the attack had a possible trace of terrorism in it.

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