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16. 04. 2007


BELGRADE, 16 April 2007 (B92, Beta) - Police have interviewed several dozen persons and continue to investigate a bomb attack on Dejan Anastasijević’s home.

B92’s police source said the persons in questions are believed to have the information that would help the investigation.

At the same time, some 200 Liberal-Democratic Party (LDP) activists blocked the traffic in downtown Belgrade and a number of other Serbian cities in protest of the Saturday attack on the Vreme weekly journalist.

Belgrade’s Criminal police department deputy chief Veljko Subašić told B92 that the leads recovered at the scene have already been processed at the national crime lab.

However, Subašić declined to reveal any details due to fear of compromising the ongoing investigation.

Earlier, Subašić asked the public for patience, adding that police would do everything to get to the bottom of the incident.

“It is rather easy nowadays to obtain a hand grenade, which requires no special handling skills. However, it is awkward that two grenades were planted. A professional would assume that it is highly unlikely that both of them would set off,” Subašić said.

Police say their investigation into the case they treat as attempted murder of Dejan Anastasijević remains their highest priority, engaging all of the MUP’s expert services.

Two hand grenades were placed and set off on the window ledge of Anastasijević’s Belgrade apartment in the Early hours of Saturday morning. No one was injured in the blast.

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