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22. 04. 2007


NOVI PAZAR, 22 April 2007 (B92) - Novi Pazar police are investigating an attack on a journalist that occurred Saturday during Wahhabi leader’s funeral.

Serbian MUP issued a statement saying that daily Glas Javnosti reporter Zoran Šaponjić told Novi Pazar police an unidentified man tried to snatch Šaponjić’s camera as he was trying to take pictures of Wahhabi leader Ismail Prentić’s funeral procession.
“I’ve found myself in a very stressful and hectic situation and feared for my life at one point,” Šaponjić told police.

Belgrade daily Glas Javnosti appealed to president Boris Tadić, prime minister Vojislav Koštunica and interior minister Dragan Jočić "to undertake all necessary measures so as to finally put an end to the torture journalist in Serbia have been exposed to."

Apart from Šaponjić, daily Večernje Novosti reporter Miloš Cvetković also came under attack, but managed to evade a direct conflict and protect his equipment.

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