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15. 05. 2007


BELGRADE, 15 May 2007 (B92) - Radio B92 today celebrates 18 years on air.

Radio B92 was launched eighteen years ago when it broadcast a youth radio-program from a studio situated in a 15 square meter room, covering the territory of Belgrade only.

Its work has been marked by the constant conflict with Slobodan Milošević’s regime, as the radio B92 slammed on violence and intolerance, standing up for civic rights and liberties. It  was thus shut down as many as four times during Milošević’s era.
Radio B92 grew into the highest-rating commercial broadcast in Serbia.

Dušan Mašić, an author of a book entitled “Swaying of Serbia” dedicated to Radio B92’s development explains what has changed in course of the radio’s presence on Serbia’s media scene.

“When Radio B92 took its first steps on May 15, 1989, Michael Jackson was black, we used gramophones and magnetic tapes, I had a black and white TV in my living room, and the Serb Radical Party was the same then as it is now, which has unfortunately been the only constant of these 18 years,” Mašić said.

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