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13. 06. 2007


BELGRADE, 13 June 2007 (B92) - B92 is the radio station with the highest rating figures in Serbia, according to a survey.

The survey, conducted by Strategic Marketing and commissioned by International Research & Exchange Board (IREX), was carried out last month as 2,500 people from all over Serbia took part in the poll.

With a 6.1 percent share B92 Radio is ahead of the state-owned Radio Belgrade and Radio S, which have 5.7 percent share each. As many as 850,000 people spend at least 15 minutes a day on average listening to B92.
Strategic Marketing Director Srđan Bogosavljević said that the audience gave the highest grades to B92’s news program.

IREX media advisor Dragan Kremer says that B92’s reputation has changed.

“The majority of the Serbian population no longer sees B92 as an alternative and opposition radio station. It now tops the listeners’ choice as it became one of the three best-rated radio stations and part of the mainstream,” he said.

IREX is an international nonprofit organization providing leadership and innovative programs to improve the quality of education, strengthen independent media, and foster pluralistic civil society development.

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