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15. 06. 2007


BELGRADE, 15 June 2007 (Beta) - The daily Danas reports that the state budget proposal allots EUR 200,000 per month for the Tanjug news agency.

Media officials expressed distress over the decision, stating that in doing so the Serbian Government is showing favoritism towards Tanjug, violating the elementary norms of European values and free market.

Media expert Rade Veljanovski told Danas that the state was giving Tanjug a privileged position over other media groups.
“I would like it if the State did not have any percent of ownership in Tanjug,” he said, adding that such behavior led to media monopolies and control seen in Serbia during the 1990s.
Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS) Vice President Đorđe Vlajić agreed, adding that Tanjug is able to offer lower prices than other agencies because of the money it receives from the government.
He said that because of the government money, Tanjug should be a free service.
Director for Development and International Cooperation for the Beta news agency, Ratomir Diklić, said that the funding of Tanjug from the budget was scandalous, as it would mean agencies like Beta and FoNet, tax paying companies, are funding Tanjug as well.

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