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04. 09. 2007


BELGRADE,  4 September 2007 (Beta) - Progress has been made in the probe into the attempted murder of journalist Dejan Anastasijević, a police official says.

Police Director Milorad Veljović told the Danas daily that the case was still a priority for the Serbian Police (MUP) and that there had been "certain developments" in the investigation.

Meanwhile, Anastasijević, a prominent journalist at weekly Vreme, said no one had contacted him regarding the investigation.

“I will start thinking that some political reasons are hindering police work on the case. If there are no tangible results any time soon, it would be legitimate to hold the interior minister responsible for the failed investigation that all state officials saw as a priority,” he said.

On the night of April 13 and 14, a hand grenade exploded early in the morning outside Anastasijević's apartment in Belgrade. Not one criminal complaint has thus far been lodged, nor have the perpetrators been arrested.

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