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29. 07. 2010


ANEM has long advocated for the Media Strategy passing, considering it the basic prerequisite for the necessary media reform and development of the media sector.

After years of delay, the work on Media Strategy began with the drafting of the Media Study, which was done for the Ministry of Culture by independent experts engaged by the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia. The Study was officially presented to public on June 25, 2010 in Belgrade. This document illustrates the situation and needs assessment in the media sector in Serbia, the review of the European law (Acquis Communautaire) and the Council of Europe standards, examples of best practice from 3 European Union member states: Austria, Germany and Denmark, to compare the situation in the Serbian media sector, as well as the authors' recommendations and solutions for the most crucial media issues. The Study should serve as a basis for the public consultations in the process of the preparation of the Draft Media Strategy.

In order to facilitate its members the understanding of the essence of the recommendations contained in the Media Study and their practical consequences on the position of the media, in July 2010, ANEM prepared, in cooperation with its legal department, law office "Zivkovic&Samardzic", an internal document that contained the summary of the recommendations of the Study with expert observations and submitted to its members. At the same time, ANEM called its members to provide their questions, comments and suggestions, to help the taking of stands that ANEM would represent at the round tables dedicated to the development of the Media Strategy, planned for September 2010.

Realizing the importance of proper defining of the Strategy for the development of media, at these round tables, ANEM will represent not just the interests of its members, but will also advocate for strategic solutions that will enable the development of the entire media sector. In addition to providing expert opinion on recommendations from the Study, ANEM will present its arguments and suggestions for different solutions of some media issues. In the process of preparing for a public debate, ANEM will strive to reach consensus with other partners in the media sector on the fundamental principles of the Media Strategy.

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