06. 02. 2016
ANEM'S PARTICIPATION IN PUBLIC DEBATE ON THE RULEBOOK governing the project-based co-financing of public interest in the public information
ANEM submitted to the Ministry of Culture and Information its concrete remarks, comments and suggestions on the proposed Rulebook regulating the project-based co-financing of public interest in the public information.
They pertain to: Article 5 - specifying the mutual relations between the general competition and special competitions (related to the public information of persons with disabilities and public information of members of national minorities), which are envisaged to be launched during the year at all levels; Article 7 - improving the provisions regulating the mechanism for evaluation of long-term projects (up to three years) and the manner of funds disbursement for these projects; regulating the manner and the deadlines for disbursement of funds for competitions that last up to a year; Article 9 - specifying competition closing date in the call for applications; Article 11 - the obligation to publish on the website of the authority that called the competition official minutes regarding the fulfilment of the requirements for participation in the competition; Article 23 - ensuring the independence of the expert commission with regard to the opinion of the national councils of national minorities; Article 24 - prescribing a shorter period than proposed for reaching decision on the allocation of funds; Article 27 - obligation to publish Proposal of expert commission for funds allocation; Article 37 - ensuring transparency of allocation of funds for allowances; Article 39 - specifying deadlines for the submission of the contract; Article 42 - enabling additional time for the submission/correction of report on the project implementation before request for a refund; Final Provisions - adding a new article to regulate what happens with competition procedures that were started during the validity of the old Rulebook.
ANEM's Suggestions (available only in Serbian)

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