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30. 09. 2010


Privatization of the media is a matter that the government is the most silent about. This issue can only be read about in newspapers or heard on some public gatherings, where the authorities do not express any opinion on the subject. Although the privatization of the media is prescribed as compulsory by media laws, and which was due to end in 2007, it has not yet been completely implemented, due to the adoption of laws in other areas and their norms that are in the collision with media laws, as well as the lack of political will to complete this process.

Considering that it is of great importance for the further development of the media sector to enable normal functioning of the media market, for which the completion of privatization of the media is necessary precondition in order to establish equal conditions for all who participate in it, ANEM has prepared, in cooperation with its Legal Department, Law office " Zivkovic&Samardzic",  a document that presents an overview of the process of privatization of the media and contains recommendations for further action in this area. The document includes: the Introduction with a brief description of reasons for the drafting of this document; Legal Framework for Privatization, Legal Framework against Privatization; What the Privatization is Criticized For, concrete Results of the Privatization; Recommendations. This document is in accordance with stands and conclusions that ANEM, together with other associations, has represented at the round tables for drafting of the Media Strategy and it is submitted to the Ministry of Culture, as yet another ANEM contribution to the future work on the Media Strategy.

This advocacy activity was supported by Civil Rights Defenders.


The document (available only in Serbian) can be read here

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