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15. 07. 2011

Contribution to Draft Media Strategy

Five media and journalists' associations (ANEM, NUNS, UNS, NDNV and Local Press) that comprise the media coalition gathered in joint efforts to improve Serbian media scene through the adoption of a quality Media Strategy, took active part in public debate on the Draft Strategy for Development of Public Information System in the Republic of Serbia until 2016, held from June 8 to July 15, 2011.

During the public debate, apart from the active participation in the round tables organized by the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society, the associations had also prepared their joint proposals and suggestions to the Draft Media Strategy and submitted them to the Ministry on July 15, 2011.

The letter, containing proposals and suggestions to the Draft, restated the position of the media coalition that the text of the Draft Strategy represented a significant step toward the regulation of media sphere and improvement of freedom of expression standards.

In this letter, the associations draw attention to their joint stands and arguments with regard to what should be the purpose and the postulates of the Media Strategy, which the media coalition insisted on from the very beginning of the work on this document. Moreover, considering the objections heard in public debate, the associations gave additional arguments for specific solutions of the Draft Media Strategy that had been disputed by some of the participants in public debate, as well as additional suggestions for improving the text of the Draft Media Strategy.

The associations will continue to stand up for the main principles and solutions from the Draft and insist on their inclusion into the final text of the Strategy, to be adopted by the Government.

Enclosed are the proposals and suggestions to the Draft Strategy for the Development of Public Information System in the Republic of Serbia until 2016, forwarded by associations to the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society. 

 This activity is realized with the financial support of the Fund for an Open Society, Serbia (FOSS).


Contribution to Draft Media Strategy, in Serbian

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