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01. 12. 2011


On November 25, 2011, ANEM organized the panel discussion titled "Media Strategy -What's next?" in Nis Media Centre, where five representatives of media and journalists' associations informed the public in the south of Serbia about stands of this media coalition on the adopted Media Strategy and its solutions, as well as on the further steps of these associations regarding the implementation of the said document. Speakers at the panel discussion were: Sasa Mirkovic (ANEM President), Vukasin Obradovic, (IJAS/NUNS President), Petar Jeremic (Chairman of JAS/UNS Executive Board), Zuzana Serences (member of the IJAV/NDNV Managing Board), and Dejan Miladinovic (Chairman of Local Press Managing Board). The panel discussion was attended by many participants, over 30, primarily journalists (Tanjug, Beta, FoNet, Blic, RTV Krusevac, Radio Beograd, RTV Pink, NIS TV and radio stations - RTV 5, NTV, TV Belle Amie, City Radio Nis), as well as representatives of journalists' and media associations and civil sector.

The whole report on this event is available in the attachment below.

This event is realized with the support of the Fund for an Open Society, Serbia (FOSS).

The report on this event is available here

  • Photo: MC Nis

  • Photo: MC Nis

  • Photo: MC Nis

  • Photo: MC Nis

  • Photo: MC Nis

  • Photo: MC Nis

  • Photo: MC Nis

  • Photo: MC Nis

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