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06. 11. 2012


At the proposal of ANEM, the highest representatives of RBA and ANEM held the meeting today, discussing a number of current issues relevant for broadcasters. Among these issues, the following were the most important - the RBA's assistance in implementation of certain provisions of the Protocol on Cooperation between Sokoj and ANEM, ANEM's suggestion for the RBA Document on television and radio advertising and sponsorship, difficult economic situation in the media sector and media shutdown, as well as the announced adoption of the law affecting the issue of funding of regulatory bodies, whose certain provisions are harmful for both the regulators and the electronic media.

One of the reasons for organizing this meeting was the recently concluded Protocol between Sokoj and ANEM, which has, for the first time, provided discounts and benefits for broadcasters predominantly airing program in one or several minority languages in multiethnic communities. ANEM requested, while Sokoj accepted, to put these stations in the same position with the stations of the civil sector, in terms of the minimum fee (50% of the established minimum fee), as well as in terms of opportunity to use other discounts defined by the Protocol. As the realization of these benefits required the RBA's certificate, representatives of ANEM and RBA, present at the meeting, agreed on a series of following steps in the implementation of the Protocol's provisions in a way that it would be acceptable to the RBA, as well as to Sokoj and broadcasters, too.

ANEM suggestions for the Document on television and radio advertising and sponsorship, submitted back in December 2011 and July 2012, were also a topic of discussion. ANEM submitted these suggestions to the RBA as a competent body, deeming that the shortcomings of the Advertizing Law, which caused big problems in broadcasters' work, imposed the need for regulating all disputable matters by the RBA's Document. Although the RBA responded positively to both ANEM letters, the conclusion of the today's meeting was that these rules could be created only in line with the framework of the existing law, which would not much change the situation in practice. Therefore, the right way for overcoming these problems is passing a new Advertizing Law in accordance with European standards and regulations. The RBA stated that it endeavored, whenever it was possible, to align their conduct with European legislation and practice, however within the limits of the current Serbian law. In addition to the above said Document, the amendment to the Code of Conduct for Broadcasters was also discussed, which ANEM has been advocating for over a longer period of time with its concrete suggestions. Representatives of ANEM and RBA ascertained that these amendments could be done in a qualitative manner only after the adoption of a new set of media laws foreseen by the Media Strategy.

Difficult economic situation in the media sector was also discussed. Due to such situation, broadcasters are increasingly facing problems when it comes to fulfilling their obligation to pay fees to the regulatory agencies. The RBA representatives stressed that, when initiating procedures for revoking licenses, they had in mind the extreme economic crisis in the media sector and considered it, and also that such situation was the reason why they had reduced the fees three years ago. In addition, they said they would attempt to find a way to facilitate broadcasters to meet their obligation, but in a way that would not jeopardize the functioning of the RBA.

The announced adoption of the Law on fees for the use of public goods was also discussed at the meeting. Although not being a media law, it may significantly affect the functioning of regulatory bodies, as well as broadcasters, however in a negative way. ANEM announced that it would undertake a series of actions to publicly advocate the deletion of the disputed provisions from the Draft or the Proposal of the said Law.

ANEM believes that direct meetings with competent authorities are the right way to solve many problems that its members and other broadcasters face in their everyday work. This constructive meeting proved exactly that, while both sides showed interest for further cooperation.

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