20. 07. 2015
Basics of writing project proposals with the aim of co-financing of media projects - first workshop

The first of four planned two-day workshops for media professionals, titled "Basics of writing project proposals with the aim of co-financing of media projects", ANEM organized in Belgrade, 14-15 July 2015. To provide participants with the best possible training, for the creation, preparation and conduct of planned workshops ANEM engaged an experienced trainer Jasmina Debeljak Maljkovic, an expert with years of experience in international and donor projects and running trainings for writing and project management.
The aim of the training was to improve the knowledge and skills of media professionals - media representatives - for writing project proposals for the competitions for co-financing of media projects, called by the competent Ministry, provincial and local authorities.
The workshop was designed as a combination of lectures, with examples of good practice, and practical work, so that participants could immediately apply and check their newly acquired knowledge. Participants were given the material to use at the workshop and after the training - for writing their own projects. During the two days of workshop, the participants were familiarized with the structure and basic principles of development and writing of the projects, also with the basic principles of cost planning and budgeting, as well as with the basics of the logical framework. The participants were enabled to apply the new information and knowledge through drafting of projects in the application form of the Ministry of Culture and Information. Split into groups, they have jointly worked on project concepts with the advice and help of the trainer. The produced concepts were discussed, and all participants gave their opinion, guided by questions of trainer, while the trainer was commenting and suggesting how to improve them. Good formulation of the overall objective and specific objectives of the project were discussed the most, so after discussion the participants continued to work on their project concepts in accordance with the discussion conclusions. All groups had a good proposal, but certain aspects they developed more (such as participation of stakeholders, dissemination plan, sustainability) after discussion and new information and ideas of how they could improve their projects.
The workshop was attended by 11 representatives of the media from Belgrade, Uzice, Valjevo, Subotica, Stara Pazova, Pozarevac, Novi Sad and Kikinda, namely: Potrosacki savetnik portal, Belgrade; Radio Luna, Uzice; Radio Patak, Valjevo; Maglocistac. portal, Subotica; Local Media Group, Novi Sad; Radio Uzice, Uzice; RTV Stara Pazova, Stara Pazova; Nase novine, Belgrade; Telegraf, Belgrade; Radio Kikinda, Kikinda; Radio Boom93, Pozarevac.
As the results of the workshop evaluation (evaluation questionnaires completed by participants) show, participants were very satisfied with the workshop generally and organization of the workshop, especially the trainer and workshop concept (a combination of theory and practice); they consider that have learned a lot and improved their knowledge, and that they would be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.

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