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26. 11. 2002

Protest Against Tanjug Journalist Arrest

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, November 26, 2002 – The Association of Serbian Journalists has protested remarks by Kosovo governor Michael Steiner on the arrest of Tanjug correspondent ...

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26. 11. 2002

Pozarevac Council Turns Down Media Appointments

POZAREVAC, November 26, 2002 – The majority of councillors in the Pozarevac Municipal Assembly has abstained from voting on the appointment of editors to Radio Pozarevac ...

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26. 11. 2002

YU Information Confiscation Not Enacted

BELGRADE, November 26, 2002 – The confiscation of property to the value of three million dinars (about 50,000 euros) from YU Info television, scheduled for yesterday, has ...

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23. 11. 2002

Arrested Journalist on Hunger Strike

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, November 23, 2002 – Kosovska Mitrovica journalist Bojan Bozovic, arrested on suspicion of obstructing an UNMIK police officer in the course of his duties ...

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23. 11. 2002

Arrested Journalist on Hunger Strike

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, November 23, 2002 – Kosovska Mitrovica journalist Bojan Bozovic, arrested on suspicion of obstructing an UNMIK police officer in the course of his duties ...

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22. 11. 2002

Journalists Association Calls on Djukanovic

PODGORICA, November 22, 2002 – The Association of Young Montenegrin Journalists today condemned the jailing of former Dan editor Vladislav Asanin for a month on a libel ...

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22. 11. 2002

NGO Condemns Jailing of Editor

BELGRADE, November 22, 2002 – The Centre for Balkan Integration yesterday condemned the jailing of Vladislav Asanin, former editor-in-chief of Podgorica daily Dan for republishing ...

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22. 11. 2002

Uzice TV5 Joins Commercial Network

UZICE, November 22, 2002 – The privately owned TV5 in Uzice has become a member of the first Serbian commercial television network recently established in Belgrade under ...

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22. 11. 2002

Tanjug Journalist Arrested in Kosovo

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, November 22, 2002 – The UN police in Kosovo last night arrested the Pristina correspondent of Yugoslavia's state news agency, Tanjug. Bojan Bozovic ...

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20. 11. 2002

French Award for Danas

BELGRADE, November 20, 2002 – Belgrade daily Danas has won a French award as the best foreign information publication, the paper announced today. The judges focused on ...

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