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13. 09. 2011

Six years under police protection

Loznica, Spetember 13, 2011 (Politika) - It is now six year since the reporter of "Vecernje novosti" Vladimir Mitric from Loznica was brutally attacked and he is ...

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13. 09. 2011

Finally the Law on protection of whistleblowers

Belgrade, September 13, 2011 (Alo) - The Ombudsman, Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, Anti-Corruption Agency, Serbian Government ...

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13. 09. 2011

56 pirate radio and TV stations

Belgrade, September 13, 2011. (Blic) - There are 56 radio and TV stations in Serbia that broadcast pirate program. The inspection of the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information ...

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13. 09. 2011

Services at the local level, too

What does the Proposal of the Media Strategy contain?The state to give up the ownership in the media within two years.Belgrade, September 13, 2011. (Vecernje Novosti) - Serbia ...

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12. 09. 2011

The state allocates more than 20 million EUR for the media

Belgrade, September 12, 2011. (Danas) - Last year, the amount of state aid intended for the Serbian media sector was around 21 million EUR, while around 25 million has been ...

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11. 09. 2011

The Media Strategy in Parliament on Tuesday

Sremski Karlovci, September 11, 2011 (Press) - The Minister of Culture, Media and Information Society, Predrag Markovic announced that he would present the Draft Media Strategy ...

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10. 09. 2011

Journalist sued the company, but not able to pay the taxes

Kragujevac, September 10, 2011 (Blic-Srbija) - Journalists from Kragujevac weekly "Svetlost" have been in strike for a year. have sued the company because of unpaid ...

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09. 09. 2011

National Councils hold monopoly in the media

Beograd, Novi Sad, September 09, 2011. (Politika) - National Minorities' Councils should remain founders of print media in languages of national minorities, but their influence ...

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09. 09. 2011

Serbia will have six more public service broadcasters

Belgrade, September 9, 2011 (Danas) - In addition to two existing public service broadcasters RTS and RTV, the Media Strategy foresees the establishment of six regional public ...

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09. 09. 2011

Unauthorized use of radio-frequency spectrum

Beograd, September 9, 2011. (RATEL) - Unauthorized use of radio-frequency spectrum creates economic inequality on the market of broadcasting services, interferes the work ...

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Pravni monitoring
ANEM campaigns


New Media Laws

To what extent will the new media laws help the Serbian media sector develop?

A great deal



Not at all


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