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10. 07. 2003

Reljic and NIN sue Popovic

BELGRADE, 10 July, 2003 – Belgrade weekly NIN announced yesterday that it plans to file a lawsuit against former chief of the Serbian Government's Communication Bureau Vladimir ...

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10. 07. 2003

SEEMO "deeply concerned" by Serbian media situation

Vienna, 10 July, 2003 -- The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) issued a press release today saying it is "deeply concerned" about the media situation ...

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09. 07. 2003

Beta opens its first Radio station

NOVI PAZAR, 9 July, 2003 – Radio 100 plus, a new radio station launched by news agency Beta with the help of a donation from the French Government, has hit the airwaves from ...

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09. 07. 2003

Popovic announces another lawsuit against NIN editor

BELGRADE, 9 July, 2003 – Outgoing chief of the Serbian Government's Communications Bureau, Vladimir Popovic, has announced that he is to file another libel lawsuit against ...

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08. 07. 2003

Jovan Kovacic new Communications Bureau chief?

BELGRADE, 8 July, 2003 -- Following the recent resignation of the Serbian Government's Communication Bureau chief Vladimir Popovic, a possible replacement has been named as ...

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08. 07. 2003

Another Popovic trial commences

BELGRADE, 8 July, 2003 -- The trial against the Belgrade weekly NIN today resumed before the First Municipal Court. The trial is the result of a lawsuit filed against this ...

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07. 07. 2003

Media owner watches his car explode

BELGRADE, July 7, 2003 -- The Mercedes 124 of Radisav Rodic, owner of dailies Glas javnosti and Kurir, exploded at around 10pm last night in front of Ljutice Bogdana Street's ...

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03. 07. 2003

Lecic drops case in act of good will

BELGRADE, 3 July, 2003 – Branislav Lecic, Serbian Culture and Media Minister, has withdrawn his lawsuit filed against NIN journalist Radmila Stankovic. Lecic, a prominent ...

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03. 07. 2003

Latest Popovic proceedings

BELGRADE, July 3, 2003 – Yesterday saw two hearings of libel cases brought by Serbian Communication Bureau chief Vladimir “Beba” Popovic against the Humanitarian Law Centre ...

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02. 07. 2003

Popovic accuses Montogomery of lacking style

BELGRADE, July 2, 2003 – Vladimir "Beba" Popovic has appeared in an interview for state television Radio Television Serbia, declining to comment on the comments of US Ambassador ...

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