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15. 05. 2003

Miljevic: Broadcast watchdog’s integrity already doubtful

BELGRADE, 15 May, 2003 – Caucus MP of the Social Democratic Party, Natasa Milojevic, told press yesterday that the integrity of the Broadcast Agency Council has already been ...

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15. 05. 2003

Journalist’s union reaches a collective agreement

BELGRADE, 15 May, 2003 – The union of Serbian journalists has completed the drafting of a collective agreement for the Serbian media. The agreement is to be forwarded to ...

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15. 05. 2003

Jurisdiction not yet determined in case of Milanovic V Beta

BELGRADE, 15 May, 2003 – Zoran Sesic, investigative judge of Belgrade’s First Municipal Court, is making efforts to establish jurisdiction in the liable case filed by former ...

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14. 05. 2003

Final Broadcast Council appointment on the agenda

BELGRADE, 14 May, 2003 – The Serbian Parliament are to discuss the appointment of Goran Radenovic as the ninth and final member of the Broadcast Agency Council. Radenovic ...

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14. 05. 2003

Radio B92 privatisation to go ahead

BELGRADE, 14 May, 2003 -- The Serbian Privatisation Agency has again scheduled an auction for the sale of seventy per cent of Radio B92's public capital. The auction will ...

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14. 05. 2003

Predecessor claims new director’s appointment “illegal”

BELGRADE, 14 May, 2003 – Slobodan Spasojevic, former director of the Borba publishing Company, has contested the recent appointment of Zoran Kalicanin as director. In a ...

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13. 05. 2003

Journalists engage in fisticuffs in Belgrade courtroom

BELGRADE, May 13, 2003 – Serbian journalists Aleksander Tijanic and Miodrag Vujovic exchanged blows during a hearing in Belgrade’s Fourth Municipal Court yesterday. According ...

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12. 05. 2003

Strikers’ committee demands director’s dismissal

KRUSEVAC, 12 May, 2003 – the striking committee of the Krusevac-based public company Radio Television Pobeda have issued a public statement demanding that founders of the ...

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12. 05. 2003

Media union supports Politika staff action

BELGRADE, 12 May, 2003 – The Media branch union Nezavisnost (Independence) has confirmed its strong support for the strike warning of RTV Politika employees, who have not ...

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12. 05. 2003

Predic gets the boot

BELGRADE, 12 May, 2003 – The management committee of Radio Television Serbia have decided to relieve Zoran Predic of his position as acting director and editor-in-chief. The ...

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