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19. 07. 2002

Protests Over Draft Information Legislation

BELGRADE, July 19, 2002 - A number of NGOs have protested at draft legislation on free access to information, saying that the law is not aimed at making things easier for ...

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19. 07. 2002

Mreza Condemns Attack on Journalist

BELGRADE, July 19, 2002 - The television production house Mreza has strongly condemned an attack by BK TV on journalist Olja Beckovic, noting that the use of public assets ...

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19. 07. 2002

Journalist Association Protests

BELGRADE, July 19, 2002 - The Association of Serbian Journalists has described itself as shocked by the decision of the Ravna Gora movement from Cacak to destroy copies of ...

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19. 07. 2002

Regional Broadcaster on the Air

VRANJE, July 19, 2002 - A new regional news agency, Vranje Press, began broadcasting a daily program yesterday. As the only electronic media of this kind south of Belgrade ...

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18. 07. 2002

Cacak Protesters Destroy Newspapers

CACAK, July 18, 2002 - Protesters from the Ravna Gora Freedom Movement today tore up copies of dailies Danas and Politika in the centre of Cacak. Spokesman Vladimir Stenjajic ...

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17. 07. 2002

Orlic Calls for Responsibility Through Laws

BELGRADE, July 17, 2002 - It is necessary to adopt the public information act and legislation on access to information as soon as possible in order to establish responsibility ...

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17. 07. 2002

Concern Over Journalist's Safety

BELGRADE, July 17, 2002 - The Committee for the Protection of Journalists is concerned fro the safety of Danas journalist and Radio Free Europe correspondent Natasa Odalovic. "I ...

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17. 07. 2002

BK TV Attacks Journalist

BELGRADE, July 17, 2002 - BK Telekom today issued a statement responding to material presented on the television program Utisak nedelje (Impression of the Week) and launched ...

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16. 07. 2002

Odalovic Calls on Kostunica to Declare Himself

BELGRADE, July 16, 2002 - Free Europe correspondent Natasa Odalovic has demanded that Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica declare himself on claims made by his media advisor ...

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16. 07. 2002

Montenegrin Media Law Amendments Criticised

PODGORICA, July 16, 2002 - Private media companies and associations have strongly criticized amendments proposed by the Liberal Alliance of Montenegro to the republic's Public ...

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